Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

The month of November went by really fast for us and now Charlize is just a week away from being 6 months old!  Our big event this month was Thanksgiving and this year we got it twice.
On Wednesday we had Thanksgiving with the Warren's and the sister missionaries. 
Here is everyone enjoying the evening!

Mom getting everything finalized for dinner.

 Nick and Charlize

Charlize getting lots of attention from Grandma and Uncle Colt.

The Sister Missionaries

 Colt and Addi

 Dad (just itching his nose), Colt and Addi
Everyone just relaxing after a big meal!

Mom and Dad cleaning up dinner.

Nick, Colt and Addi on the ipad and computer.

To top off the night, we got a really good laugh from Charlize.  We were just sitting down to hear a message from the missionaries and Mom got a little giggle from Charlize.  That got everyone else laughing too but when we finally settled down to hear the message, Charlize was still going.  So cute.  

Then on Thursday we had Thanksgiving with the Wrights and family.
My parents were also able to join us at the Wrights.
So, here is Thanksgiving Round Two:

 Charlize and Haley

 Samantha and Nick playing ping pong...not sure who won this round.

 Dad enjoying the appetizers-- the best part of Thanksgiving!

 Mom and Charlize
Charlize really enjoyed all the attention!

 Jason and Nick


 Getting the kitchen ready for dinner.
Rachel and Brittany making a gingerbread train.

 Jason, Haley, Dad, and Charlize

 Rachel coloring in the book she won while playing Bingo.

 Dad--He went hunting Thanksgiving morning but made it back in time for the turkey.


 Mom making beanies for her grand babies.

 Samantha and Charlize

Nick and Brittany on the piano.

And of course, here is an update on the baby!!  
She is very busy lately learning how to get around without crawling....she is rolling everywhere!!

The other day I was in the bathroom getting ready and Charlize was playing on the floor in my room.  Within just a few minutes, she had rolled across the floor and right into the bathroom doorway.  Just a few seconds later she had figured out how to wiggle her way out of being stuck in the doorway and she rolled right into the bathroom with me.  She is a busy little girl!!  

So cute!! I like to think she is learning how to smile for the camera!!

Charlize has also found her toes and she just loves them.
For awhile she would just play with them with her hands but she has recently figured out how to get them in her mouth and she thinks that is the best!

This video clip shows some of the new things I think are so cute about her:  the hiccups, playing with her feet, and my new favorite thing-- sucking on her bottom lip (look closely, she does it real quick in the beginning).

Charlize is also starting to "talk" a lot more.  She has a deep, raspy little hum and a cute little babble with all sorts of stories to tell.  I haven't been able to get a video yet but I'm working on it.

Finally, over the holiday break Colt took some time to take pictures of us; here are some of my favs:

I just love her little toothless grin!

This is just a fun, candid shot--
Charlize is always putting things in her mouth so she thought she would try my hair.

Such a sweet little girl!

Playing with her toes again.

She always has her fingers in her mouth... what a cutie!!

Thanks Grandma for the headbands and beanie.  Thank you Colt for taking great pictures!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Visiting Utah

Nick, Charlize, and I went to Utah with my parents to visit the Quigley's.  It was a busy weekend, but we were able to do a lot and visit a lot of people.
We drove down on Thursday evening and stayed in Mountain Home then finished driving down on Friday morning.  This made the trip easier for Charlize because she was able to sleep most of the way.  But, when she was awake, she really enjoyed watching Winnie the Pooh on my mom's iPad.  I'm glad someone was prepared to entertain her on such a long trip.

Saturday morning the girls went shopping-- ModBod outlet!  While we were out, Dad, Nick and Brian got to work on putting up wains cotting in Jocelyn's room.  Then in the afternoon Grandpa Johnson, Aunt Shelly, and Rose came up to visit us.  Then that evening, we went up to visit Dad's family and enjoy Leatherby's!  We were able to see Travis and his family, Uncle Richard and Aunt Carrie, Uncle Pat and his family, and Trista.  It was great to see so much of our family!!!  (Unfortunatley, I forgot to take my camera out all day.) While we were with family at Leatherby's Nick and Brian went off to the BYU basketball game.

Sunday we had a special treat and were able to listen to both Jessica and Brian give talks in Sacrament Meeting.  After church, Samantha came down to spent some time with us.

Samantha hanging out with Charlize:

Everyone enjoying the day of rest:

Mom spending time with the little ones:

Dad taking a nap:

Nick and the big screen:

Hayden singing The Lion King:

Hayden has been watching The Lion King since it came out on DVD and then Mom bought him the soundtrack and brought it down to him, so we got to listen to him sing all weekend.  So cute!!

Dad and Hayden carving pumpkins for Halloween:
Hayden wasn't so sure about the pumpkin "guts"

We really had to coax him into scooping stuff out and then all he got has one little seed:

The finished product:

The highlihgt of this day was getting Charlize to giggle.  Mom and Jessica had the babies in her room and then Jess ran out and told me to get the camera out.  I went into her room and found Charlize laughing with Jessica.  Charlize did this for at least 4 minutes straight.  Jessica's voice was hoarse after this but Charlize was being so cute, Jessica just kept laughing.  Everyone tried the rest of the weekend, and I have tried since then, but Charlize would only do this with Jess.  It was so cute and I'm glad we got it on camera. 

So, here is Charlize's official first giggle:

Sunday afternoon we were also able to get a couple of family pictures
Our little family:

The Grandkids:

The Proud Grandparents:

Monday morning the boys went golfing (while Dad finished Jocelyn's room).  Monday afternoon Nick, Charlize, and I went to BYU.  We visited Samantha, Miley and Sam, and some of our old professors.  We also went shopping at the bookstore.  It was a good afternoon.  The best part of the day was celebrating Halloween.

Everyone getting ready for Trick-or-Treating:

The gang all ready to go:

Jocelyn as a lady bug, Charlize as a kitty cat, Hayden as Buzz Lightyear, and Brian as Scooby Doo!

Out getting the candy:

For a Halloween party, Haley and her friend dressed up as Star Wars characters--
a Jedi Night and Princess Leia

Monday night we stayed up late to just hang out.  Around 10 p.m. we ordered pizza.  Shortly after the pizza arrived Hayden came sneaking out of his room.  It was so cute to see him peak around the corner and see if it was okay for him to be out of bed.  Here is a video of him playing with Dad.  I think the little boy had a little too much candy!!  You can see on the clock in the background that he should have been asleep hours ago!

Besides working on Jocelyn's room, the boys also had another big project--their entry video for The Amazing Race.  Here is what they came up with:

We really can't wait to see them play and win this thing.  But, we have to wait until January to see if they got accepted.  Wish them luck!


While I am posting videos, I just had to throw in a couple more to show how big Charlize is getting.  She will be 5 months in two days and she thinks she is so big.  She won't let anyone hold her like a baby, she wants to sit up all on her own, even though she really can't do it yet, and she is starting to scoot.  I can hardly keep up with her.  She is going to be very independent!!

Here is another video of her in the Johnny Jump Up-  She just loves it.

Here is a video of Charlize with her "new" favorite toy:


Charlize was up on the counter one day while I was cleaning up in the kitchen and I gave her a water bottle to play with.  It was so funny to watch her try to hold onto it and eat it.  Now I always give her a water bottle while we work in the kitchen. I usually end up spending half of my time chasing after it but it so cute; she really gets excited now when she sees a water bottle.