Monday, March 12, 2012

Another Month Older

Wow, another month has already come and gone and I can't believe our little girl is nine months old.  It is these milestones that remind me that I don't want to "just get through the day," I want to make the most of each day.  Sometime it is hard for me to even remember what Charlize was like before she could roll and giggle and smile, so this past month I have been taking lots and lots of videos.  I tried to condense them down into a few semi-short clips to share with all of you.  I hope you enjoy:

1. Charlize got a lot of fun toys for Christmas and she has been enjoying all of them, but it has always been said, "the simpler the better," and Charlize has found that to be true with her toys.  She spends so much time playing with a small simple set of bells she got from her cousins.

2. Charlize has always loved eating and lately she spends a large part of her day sitting in her chair, chowing down.  The surprising thing is that at her last doctor's appointment she had lost a pound.  Charlize weighed in at just over 16 pounds and 28 inches long and her doctor said, "Well, she's just going to be tall and skinny."  Of course, I was a little concerned over the weight she had lost but the doctor explained that she would be fine and that she had actually been growing . . .  at her last appointment Charlize's head circumference was average, it has since grown in size to be two sizes above average.  I guess she'll be like her dad!

In fact, every day I see more and more of Nick in my little girl--she is so independent and head-strong yet she can also be sweet and funny.  But, the other day I finally saw a little bit of me in her.  I rarely sit in a chair with my feet on the floor--I prefer to sit with my feet up on the seat.  Here is a picture of Charlize in her high chair in a pose that has become quite common; look at where her foot is!

And now, a little video of some of her fun times in the high chair:

3. Nick is always trying to get kisses from Charlize but for some reason she is very anti-kisses (could it be that dad is always trying to steal kisses?).  Nick recently found a way to trick Charlize into giving him good kisses. Enjoy:

4. When Charlize is not eating, she is a busy little girl.  This video shows some of her favorite activities:

Dancing to Micheal Jackson . . . yep, she's just like her dad!!

And finally, here is a sneak peak at some of the nine month pictures Colt took of Charlize last week.
Thank you Mom and Uncle Colt for coming over to do this for us!

We hope all is well with you and your families.  Thanks again for keeping up with our little family!