Sunday, October 9, 2011

Charlize is Four Months Old!

Wednesday was Charlize's four month anniversary and I know I always say this, but I can't believe how much she has grown.  I love to watch her learn and grow but some days I just wish she would stay my baby girl forever.  But, in celebration of making it to four months, I thought I would do a little showcase of her likes and dislikes and how much she has grown.  So, I apologize now for going camera crazy; most of these pictures were taken on Wednesday.  I just felt like I had to capture it all before she grew up even more.

What Charlize likes: (in no particular order)

1. Molly, her stuffed pink hippo

I bought this hippo for Charlize so she would have some quiet toys to take to church but it has actually become her best friend.  We take it everywhere with us. We went to Costco the other day and Charlize sat quietly in the stroller the entire time, wide awake, just trying to figure out how to grab it and get it to her mouth.  Charlize especially loves to suck on her ear; she won't take a pacifier, but she will take Molly's ear! 

2. Taking Baths (especially since we bought bath toys)

Charlize has really figured out how to splash in the tub and she loves it.  There have been a few times after bathing her that it looks like I got in with her with my clothes on because I am so wet from her splashes.  As with her toy, Molly, she is really starting to try and grab stuff so it is really fun to bathe her and watch her kick and grab for the toys. 

3. Her Lady Bug Rattle/Blanket

I like this video because it really shows how much she gets into this game.  Sometimes you can see her open her mouth waiting for the blanket to come down and then if you listen close you can hear her take a quick, deep breath when I lift it off of her face.  I feel like I could play this game with her for hours and she would never get tired of it!

4. Her Hands

Charlize always has her hands in her mouth.  She is always sucking on them and drooling all over.  I put little hand mittens on her when she sleeps and I have to stick them in the dryer after every nap because they are just soaked from her sucking on them.  She also tends to stick her fingers way back in her throat and I am constantly having to pull them out as she makes gagging noises.  She hasn't quite figured out that she is doing it to herself.

5. Ceiling Fans, still

It always amazes me when I see her entertaining herself.  She is such a happy baby and that makes my job easier.  If I have to be up working around the house, I know I can just lay her on the floor and she will be fine.  But, it isn't all of her new toys that usually keep her occupied, it is still . . .  the ceiling fans.  She could just lay there on the floor and stare at them for hours.  I have even caught her smiling at them! How funny!

6. Reading

I have really started to enjoy reading to Charlize because she has become very interested in the pages.  Every time I turn the page of a storybook, her eyes just busily scan all the pictures.  What makes it even better is when she reads to me.  She loves to make noises right along with me as I read to her.  We can actually make it through two or three short storybooks in one sitting before she gets bored.

What Charlize doesn't really care for:

1. Her Car Seat

Maybe it was from all those long car rides to and from Puyallup but lately Charlize has been throwing fits every time I buckle her in to go anywhere.  Hopefully she grows out of it. Being in the car used to put her to sleep, but not lately...

2. Her Crib

Last week Nick and I started "Sleep Training" and it has been much harder than I thought.  Up until this time, she was still going to bed with us at 10:00p and then it would take us another half hour just to get her to go to sleep.  This was getting old so we decided to try some other methods and to start putting her to bed earlier.  It was hard to find a system that worked best for all three of us but we eventually landed on the good old "crying it out" method.  This was very difficult for me at first but we have made real progress.  I'm starting to believe that consistency and dedication pay off.  For most of her naps, I can put her down wide awake and sometimes she will only fuss for 5 or 10 minutes!! That is better than the hour and a half we started with!! Hooray!

3. Tummy Time
I have been trying to be better about getting this little girl time on her tummy.  She is rolling from her back to her tummy but not the other way so we have been spending more time on her stomach.  This has also been a chore but she gets better every time.  Here is a rare video of her actually lifting her head and not being upset!

One of Mom's Favorite's:

The other day, while changing her diaper, I noticed that Charlize seemed to be losing some of her baby fat.  I have always loved to pinch her little rolls and was a little sad to see her getting longer and thinner.  The difference is so small, only a mother could tell but I just had to grab the camera and take pictures of all her fatty spots before they are completely gone. 

Her little "Thunder Thighs":

Her "Sausage Links" (wrist rolls):

And of course her Chubby Cheeks:

I love them all!!
And I just love my little girl!


  1. i love you pinching her cheeks! She is so cute and she is growing up so fast. I miss you guys and can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks. Thanks for keeping us updated through the blog.

  2. It' so fun to read your blog! You've done a really good job at taking pictures and videos of Charlize. I hope I get to meet her someday!
